Unfortunately, COMET-Farm is unavailable at the international level at this point, even with local soil and climate data. There is, however, a similar tool created first by the team called the Carbon Benefits Project that is available for international use.  This tool is similar in that it provides tools to estimate the impact of agriculture, forestry, and other land use activities on carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions. This tool utilizes primarily IPCC methods where as the principle model in COMET-Farm is the Daycent model for soil carbon, but COMET also uses a set of empirical methods and equations for the animal agriculture, forestry, and agroforestry components.

I have attached some training materials on the Carbon Benefits Project that uses the IPCC inventory Good Practice Guidelines published in 2006 - follow the small square with an arrow to view the attachment. The program has two different pathways: detailed and simple. We would recommend following the steps on the simple assessment exercise first. Both projects follow an assessment in Western Kenya. 

Please do send us a message in the help widget where you are hoping to use the COMET-Tools! While COMET is unavailable internationally at the moment, it is helpful for the team to know where outside interest lay.