Cropland, pasture, range, orchard/vineyard:

Because the Cropland, pasture, range, orchard/vineyard accounting activity in COMET-Farm utilizes the 30cm DayCent Model, a daily time-step version of the CENTURY biogeochemical model, as the principle soil carbon and direct N2O model, it will take at least a minute and a half to run a project.

All of the models (DayCent and the empirical equations outlined in the Blue Book Methods Document), will run on all map units within a defined field and provide a weighted average of the estimated emissions across each field defined. Then, the models will be run on each defined scenario: baseline AND any user defined "future" scenarios. 

The more fields defined, map units within each field (so the larger the field the more map units. COMET allows 50 fields per project, max 1100 ac/field), and number of scenarios, the longer it will take to generate a report. If you do not generate a report in 20 min, please contact the COMET support through this widget OR email with a screenshot of your reports page and username.

* API run time: also depends on the number of runs in the queue. 

All other accounting activities: Animal Agriculture, Forestry, and Agroforestry

Reports should generate within 10 seconds. If you do not generate a report within a minute, please contact the COMET support through this widget OR email with a screenshot of your reports page and username.