Cropland, pasture, range, orchard/vineyard projects:
All projects in this accounting activity use the DayCent model to estimate changes in the soil carbon changes over time and direct N20 emissions as a result of changes in management defined in the scenario. The model is run on every map unit within a field and the report provides a weighted estimate of those emissions across the field. This is done for every field and scenario defined in your project. The more fields and/or scenarios a user defines the longer it will take to generate a report. For example, a 3 field project ~200 acres total with 6 scenarios takes approximately 6 minutes to generate the report. IF you do not generate a report within 15-20 minutes for larger projects, please select the "rerun reports" button at the bottom of the report page or refresh your page. 

Animal Ag, Agroforestry, Forestry projects:

Your report should generate almost immediately. If your report does not generate within 30 seconds, please select the refresh button on your browser. If the report still does not generate, please send a message to the team via this Need Help? widget or via email at In your email, please include your username and/or the email associated with the account and a description of the problem/screenshot of the error message on your report page.