(As of August 2024)
COMET-Farm: Available in the contiguous United States (US, excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and US territories). Because the model pulls from the SSURGO soil database, some projects cannot be completed in areas where there is insufficient soil data (e.g., soil is very rocky/cobbly or primarily shale). To see if your area has available soil data, see the Web Soil Survey's Soil Data Availability Map.
COMET-Planner: Available in the United States (50 States). Assessments are available for 34 NRCS Conservation Practice Standards, but there is limited availability of practices in some regions such as Alaska and Hawaii. Additionally, some implementations may be available for some states/counties and not others. Please review this article for potential reasons why your practice may not be included and potential steps to follow if that is the case. For a full list of conservation practice availability by county, consider downloading the full COMET-Planner dataset.
Updated availability with COMET-Planner and COMET-Farm for some US territories in the coming year.
COMET-Planner Global: available globally, outside of the United States. Availability of soil and climate categories is determined by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.