Users can access any accounting of COMET-Farm with or without creating an account. We strongly encourage users to create an account to be able to save their activity data to a project and return to it later. Users can create unlimited projects, sample projects included. COMET also allows users to create demonstration projects, or sample projects with sample activity data for each accounting activity to practice navigating the tool and generating a report. 

Users may also view activity data via the data entry sheets (updated versions coming soon!!) for each COMET-Farm Accounting Activity:

  • Cropland, pasture, range, orchard/vineyard
  • Animal Agriculture
  • Agroforestry
    • Zip Code
    • Tree Species Group
    • Age or DBF
    • Number of trees planted
  • Forestry
    • Specific stand locations
    • Stand management:
      • Dominant forest type
      • Past land cover (forest or not)
      • Age (years) OR total volume (m^3/ha) OR merchantable volume (m^3/ha)
      • Prescription: grow only OR clear cut (year(s))